
July 11, 2024

Peru Policy Interest Rate 5.75% (consensus 5.75%) in Jul-24

  • The BCRP maintained its policy rate at 5.75% again, aligning with consensus expectations, reflecting a cautious approach amid persistent core inflation and a stable overall inflation outlook.
  • Future rate adjustments will be based on continuous monitoring of inflation trends, core inflation persistence, and economic indicators, ensuring a responsive and flexible monetary policy.
  • The Board remains committed to maintaining inflation within the target range, emphasizing price stability amid global economic uncertainties and potential market volatilities.

June 13, 2024

Peru Policy Interest Rate 5.75% (consensus 5.50%) in Jun-24

  • The BCRP maintained its policy rate at 5.75%, contrary to expectations for a cut, indicating a cautious approach amid persistent core inflation and a stable inflation outlook.
  • Future rate adjustments will be data-driven, focusing on inflation trends, core inflation persistence, and economic indicators, ensuring a responsive and flexible monetary policy.
  • The Board remains committed to maintaining inflation within the target range, emphasizing the importance of price stability amid global economic uncertainties and financial market volatility.

May 09, 2024

Peru Policy Interest Rate 5.75% (consensus 5.75%) in May-24

  • The BCRP cut the policy rate to 5.75%, a move anticipated by consensus forecasts, reflecting a strategy to balance economic support with inflation control, following a period of rate decisions that defied expectations.
  • Future policy decisions will be heavily influenced by ongoing assessments of inflation trends, economic indicators, and external economic risks, focusing on maintaining inflation within the established target range.
  • The BCRP remains vigilantly prepared to adjust its monetary policy in response to new economic data, emphasizing a commitment to stability amid global economic uncertainties and potential market volatilities.

April 11, 2024

Peru Policy Interest Rate 6.0% (consensus 6.25%) in Apr-24

  • The BCRP unexpectedly reduced the policy rate to 6.0% despite market expectations for no change after March’s inflation spike, which the BCRP considers transitory amid ongoing declines in year-on-year inflation rates.
  • Future policy decisions will hinge on inflationary trends and global economic conditions, ensuring the bank remains agile in its monetary policy approach.
  • The bank’s readiness to adjust its policy stance in response to evolving economic data underscores a commitment to achieving its inflation target while managing potential external risks and financial market volatilities.